Advantages of implantig the HACCP system on your business
Due to Royal Decree 852/2004, of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs, food industries are forced to implement the HACCP system. Below, we explain what it is and the advantages of implanting the HACCP system on your business.
It is mandatory to ensure that the industry carries out a safety system that certifies the wholesomeness of foodstuffs. In this way, they not only control all processes within the food industries, but also promote confidence on the part of other industries and consumers, in order to promote clean trade and increase competitiveness.
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What is HACCP in hostelry?
The HACCP system, also known as “Auto-control System” or “HACCP Plan” is a highly effective method to guarantee food safety. In many countries of the European Union, it is compulsory to accomplish the current regulations that force establishments that offer food to the public to implement HACCP as a system of hygienic and sanitary control.
The fundamental objective of the HACCP system is to guarantee the health of the consumer by controlling all stages of production, sale, and distribution of a foodstuff. It is a scientifically based, preventive method of self-monitoring.
Advantages of implanting HACCP in your business
These are the main benefits of implanting a HACCP system in your company:
One of its main advantages is that it minimizes the risk of food poisoning in the premises, offering higher quality and food safety to customers and improving the image of the establishment.
On the other hand, it means cost savings, as it improves the conservation of the facilities and equipment, increasing the control and performance of the raw materials used for the elaboration, allowing the development of new techniques and processes in the elaboration of food. It also helps in the control and management of the staff, as well as in their continuous training.
Benefits of a HACCP plan in the catering industry
Food safety in the food service industry requires special care. Bars and restaurants serve food to the public (whether it is a single serving at the bar or a wedding banquet for hundreds of guests) which, without proper control, can become a widespread source of food poisoning.
The HACCP system, as a method of self-control and prevention within companies, offers a series of benefits as we explain below:
- It guarantees the safety and wholesomeness of foodstuffs.
- It allows the control of those aspects that may alter the hygiene of foodstuffs, in each and every phase of the production process.
- And each and every stage of the food chain.
- It provides the company with a documented self-monitoring system.
- As explained above, it is a clear proof that the company complies with the legislation.
- It facilitates the supervision of the system by the competent authorities.
- It facilitates the trade of products between different industries, both nationally and internationally.
Digitalizing the HACCP system
A good option to reduce the initial effort involved in implanting the system is to digitalize the HACCP system using management software such as HACCP Controller, which allows you to automate the tasks of pests, waste, maintenance, cleaning and disinfection, leaving behind the tedious paper-based management and streamlining the process to save time and money.
For those companies that do not have quality technicians among their employees, there are companies dedicated to this, such as quality advisors, as is the case of CALITEC, that will help you in this task.
We have a large experience in the implementation of management systems such as ISO or the one we have just explained, HACCP. Do not hesitate to contact us.
For more details on the advantages of implanting HACCP system on your business, click on this link.